Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More pictures.....Friends + Good Times = FUN!

This scary crab picture was at Joe's Crab Shack

I look like a complete goof...but we had so much fun!

The lovely ladies - Misti, Tanya, and Lisa

The birthday girl Sheila and her husband Darryl

Misti and Lisa

Christy and Daniel.....they are so cute!

This post is just pictures.

Layne lost his first tooth on New Years Day this year! At least I wont forget that date....maybe just the year....

Look at my handsome man!

Mary and I. We love each other! Can you tell? She's the best!

Sooo I haven't been on here in a while

I know...I'm a slacker. I have been busy. I am trying to get things straight for school (mine) trying to not strangle my ever so changing 7 year old (acting 14 sometimes!!!) and trying to be a friend, trying to be a great girlfriend (I know she's in there somewhere!!lol) and being me. My life has changed alot in the last few months. All for the better - but still a change none the less. It has been a while since I had to go through meeting family of a new boyfriend, introducing my son to this new experience also has been interesting. He truly surprised me....Layne has and is dealing with this new "thing" all so well. I am proud of him. :) So I will post some new pictures and get you updated on what has been going on!! Much love!