Thursday, July 24, 2008


So tomorrow marks my last day working at the FOP (again!) because I start job training at a nursing home facility in Franklin. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. This job is so I can get certified as a Nurse Assistant and hopefully get a job at the nursing home were I am being trained. I start classes at TSU towards the end of August and hopefully will get accepted into the nursing program. I want to finish school before I'm 30!! Please pray for this situation because I feel like I am going into this blind and will be feeling my way through it. I will not be getting paid during the training but hopefully my other two jobs will help! Thanks! And away we go!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008


I am having fun with these picture collage things!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Little Boy

So I'm realizing more and more everyday that my son is growing up and isn't "my little baby" anymore. He is so smart, caring, and funny! He has a very giving heart and I am so proud of him. I never in my wildest dream imagined I would be blessed with such a wonderful gift of being this little boys mom. He is so amazing and I love him more than life itself.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I did something horrible last night. I yelled at a telemarketer on the phone. I know it doesn't sound that bad because they call and drive people crazy all the time. I was a telemarketer (or somewhat of one! - I wasn't good at it) for about 6 months at my old job, which will remain nameless, but I called bookstores trying to get them to pre-order an upcoming product and blah, blah, blah. Some people were nice and some people were not nice. I didn't like it to say the least - but I HAD to do it. A girl can only take so much rejection in one day!! And this pushed it to the limits. I said when I left that job that I would try my best to never be mean to another telemarketer EVER! Well I miserably failed last night. A guy from a phone company (starts with an A and ends with a T) called to see if we wanted to switch from our current service to their service.... I politely said no and told him thank you for his time. He proceeded to raise his voice to try and get me to, I guess, understand him better. Like I didn't understand him the first time he explained it..... So saying it louder obviously was going to make me "get it." So I said in my best authoritative tone that I didn't want to switch and that they don't need to call me anymore (all the while he is still talking while I'm talking...are you catching on to my frustration now?) So I proceeded to yell "NOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!!" into my phone and hung up. I immediately felt horrible and realized I just acted like a 6 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of Krogers.

So when I woke up this morning, got ready for work, and got Layne up and going - I said out loud that I was sorry for being so immature. Layne just looked at me like I was crazy (and this is how he usually is looking at me anyway.) So we get in the car, I take Layne to his summer care, and take off driving to my job. I'm sitting at a stop light and I say out loud "I am going to have a great day!" and as soon as I said this statement a large bird pooped on my windshield. Not a little bit, the poor guy must have been really sick, but A LOT. I am wondering if the "not named" phone company has trained birds to come and crap on your car window if you don't switch to their service?.......

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to the world Kennedy!

My friend Kim and her husband Jason just welcomed a new baby girl today! Welcome Kennedy!! Can't wait to meet you!!


This video is from ""

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thank you for Mac and Cheese

A wonderful woman that I used to work with, Leslie, and her hubby find the best videos and put them on their I stole another one! :) Thanks Leslie and Benji!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Fun with Pictures

I have discovered a photo editing website that is free! ( Well if you want to upgrade for more detailed stuff you can and it costs - but I'm happy with the free version!) It is Picnik and it is an online based web photo editor. You don't have to download anything to your computer and it is awesome! Above are some of the pictures that I have edited.

Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July pictures

*Fireworks! YAY!*

*The only firework I touched all night!*

*Getting ready to shoot off fireworks*

*Uncle Jeramy and Jonathan*

*Jonathan and Layne playing*

*Jonathan and I were playing with the big ball*

*The techs again*

*The guys - AKA the firework technicians*

Office War

The Great Office War - Watch more free videos

I saw this on a friends funny!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

More pictures

*Second fish he caught*

*Morgan and Layne posing*


*Morgan feeding the ducks*

*Great shot of a beautiful old tree at the park*

*Bird (Not sure what kind of bird - but it was beautiful none the less!)*


Layne took this picture of me in the car on the way to the lake. (My dad was driving!)

Happy Day before the 4th of July!

I'm excited about getting to watch some fireworks!! YAY!!! Hope everyone has a safe Fourth of July!!
fourth of July

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

July Oh Sweet July

I don't know why but I have always loved the month of July. It makes me happy! Maybe because it is my last 4 weeks of freedom (and I mean from school!) and I want to enjoy them with my sweet son. He is the most amazing little man. For example (you know I have to brag on the kid!!) Last night I wasn't feeling good at all. So I laid down on the couch to watch some TV with Layne. Well needless to say I woke up an hour later with Layne curled up next to me with a blanket. Such a little gentleman. He was taking care of his mom. I wanted to kiss him, hug him and thank him so much! But you know he's at that age now where one kiss and a hug is good enough for him :). Here are some pictures from when we went fishing this past Sunday. I had a wonderful day with the little guy!

Layne was saying I was a crazy mom! Ha!

Layne has blue eyes that are just like my mom' blue and beautiful!

Layne saw a momma duck and her babies across the island from where we were feeding the bigger ducks.....they weren't getting any food because the little ones where scared of the bigger ones who were NOT sharing very well. So Layne went over and was gently laying the food out for the babies. Sweet boy!

Layne and his friend Morgan were taking pictures of different animals they could find! Some of the pictures turned out wonderful.


*BIG Spider*


*Layne caught a fish (we threw it back of course!)